News about Contracts and General Conditions

Important for contracts and general conditions related to e-commerce and internet sales to consumers: on June 13, 2014 Directive 2011/83/ EU of the European Parliament and Council regarding consumer rights will enter into force.

News about Sports Contracts

News about Sports Contracts


Memberships of IDLegal

IDLegal is a member of the following professional organizations:

Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten (Dutch Bar Association):

Orde van Advocaten Den Haag (The Hague Bar Association):

Vereniging voor Distributie-, Franchise- en Agentuurrecht (Association for Distribution, Franchise and Agency Law):

International Distribution Institute:

Vereniging voor Aansprakelijkheids- en Schadevergoedingsrecht (Association for Liability and Damage Law):

Vereniging voor Sport en Recht (Association for Sports and Law):

Sport Knowhow XL:

(No official translation of the names of the organizations is used)

Registration legal areas

Ingelise Driehuis has registered contract law in the register of legal areas of the Netherlands Bar. According to the standards of the Netherlands Bar she is obliged to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in this registered legal area.

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